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Top 13 Best Collagen Supplements for Women Over 50

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Written by Andrew Le, MD.
Medically reviewed by
Clinical Physician Assistant, Summit Health
Last updated June 13, 2024

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Collagen is a protein and is found in abundance within the skin, hair, nails, joints and other body tissues. Joints and skin lose elasticity as the body produces less collagen and elastin due to aging, leading to wrinkles and pains. It has become a modern trend in the consumption of food supplements as people try to fight the signs of ageing. It can be rather confusing for a woman over 50 to determine what collagen supplement is the most appropriate for use, as there are many available in the market.

This article was researched and written based on hours of extensive research and trials on different collagen supplement products meant to improve the quality of life of women above 50 years. In the following section, we will list our choice of the best collagen supplements for women over 50 and explain why we think they are worth recommending.

Top 3 Best Collagen Supplements for Women Over 50

  1. Lunakai Collagen Gummies with Biotin for Men & Women Over 50
  2. ORPHIC NUTRITION Premium Collagen Peptides
  3. Physician's CHOICE Collagen Peptides Powder

With age, the body’s ability to produce collagen reduces, and this leads to the formation of deep lines, loose skin, and aching joints. Collagen supplements can help us to get the necessary amount of collagen and improve our health. Here, we review the most popular collagen supplements for women over 50 and recommend the best products you can buy. The following products have been specifically chosen because of their ingredients, the benefits they offer and customers’ testimonials.

Lunakai Collagen Gummies with Biotin for Men & Women Over 50

The Editor's Choice

Discover the magic of Lunakai Collagen Gummies with Biotin! Crafted for youthful vigor and joint wellness, give it time to work its wonders. Perfect for those on a quest for age-defying remedies.

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Are you looking for a delicious and potent collagen that is made specifically for people above the age of 50? Well, there is no need to look any further as you can try Lunakai Collagen Gummies with Biotin. These gummies are made from a special blend of superfoods and are packed with nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and E to combat skin aging and support joint health.


  • Delicious and easy-to-consume gummies - no need to swallow pills.
  • Packed with collagen, biotin, and vital vitamins for comprehensive anti-aging support.
  • Enhanced with Zinc for immune system reinforcement.
  • Contains Vitamin C & E, renowned for their skin-nourishing properties.
  • Tailored formulation for both men and women over 50.


  • Some may find the sweetness level of the gummies too high.
  • Individuals with sensitivities to certain ingredients should check the formulation.
  • Results may vary; it might take consistent consumption to observe noticeable improvements.

Discover the wonders of Lunakai Collagen Gummies with Biotin and embark on a journey of becoming the best version of yourself with healthy bones and joints. Nevertheless, pay attention to personal quirks and give the product sufficient time to work its magic. Lunakai Collagen Gummies with Biotin can be a great choice if you are an adult person in search of a reliable anti-aging remedy.

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Discover the rejuvenating feel of ORPHIC NUTRITION Premium Collagen Peptides Capsules 1800mg. This superfood supplement designed for women above the age of fifty includes Types I, II, III, V, and X collagen to improve the digestive system and offer support to joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.


  • With Types I, II, III, V, and X, this supplement covers a wide spectrum, ensuring holistic support for various aspects of your health.
  • Beyond skin-deep benefits, the collagen peptides contribute to digestive well-being, promoting a healthy gut.
  • Addressing common concerns of aging, the formula helps maintain the robustness of joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.


  • Results may vary from person to person, and it's essential to give the supplement time for noticeable improvements.
  • Some users might find the capsule size challenging to swallow.
  • In rare cases, individuals may experience mild side effects; however, these are generally temporary and subside with continued use.

We can be confident in the use of ORPHIC NUTRITION’s Premium Collagen Peptides since we have all had first-hand experience with how it works. This collagen booster is not just an ordinary supplement, it provides holistic care to women over 50 and supports their overall wellbeing.

Integrate these collagen capsules into your everyday regimen to achieve the inside-out beautification effect. It also works on sections that are concerned with a number of aspects that are normally associated with the process of aging. Enhance your health today with the ORPHIC NUTRITION Premium Collagen Peptides Capsules 1800mg for beautiful aging women.

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Physician’s CHOICE, Collagen Peptides Powder with Digestive Enzymes is clearly the best collagen supplement for women over 50. This carefully crafted formula targets the needs of mature women, specifically using hydrolyzed collagen peptides and digestive enzymes.


  • Featuring high-quality hydrolyzed collagen peptides, this supplement supports skin elasticity, joint health, and overall vitality.
  • The inclusion of digestive enzymes ensures optimal absorption, allowing the body to make the most of the collagen's benefits.
  • Tailored to the specific requirements of women over 50, this supplement not only promotes skin radiance but also supports joint flexibility and overall well-being.


  • Some users may find the natural taste of collagen peptides to be an acquired preference.
  • Results may vary from person to person, and consistency is key for noticeable improvements.
  • Individuals with allergies should check the product's allergen information, as it may contain ingredients that could cause sensitivities.

After trying and using the Physician’s CHOICE Collagen Peptides for ourselves, we have seen some benefits. It is easy to dissolve and can, therefore, be easily added to water or to other foods and drinks. It provides an element of versatility through the inclusion of digestive enzymes that guarantee a safe and efficient absorption of nutrients.

Moreover, this collagen powder does not contain any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, which fits with our principle of clean-label supplements. It is a multi-functional tool and integrates well into everyday routines and self-care practices.

Physician’s CHOICE, Collagen Peptides Powder with Digestive Enzymes, proves to be a top pick due to the diverse benefits that the collagen powder offers women over 50. Take your beauty and wellness regimen to the next level with this luxury collagen product to enhance beauty and health.

Order Spoiled Child Now!

If you are a woman above the age of 50 looking for a collagen supplement to boost the health of your skin, hair, and nails, Spoiled Child E27 Extra Strength Liquid Collagen is worth considering. With great precision, this supplement is designed to cater to the adult skin and body’s requirements.


  • High potency liquid collagen for maximum absorption
  • Specially formulated for women over 50 to promote skin elasticity and hydration
  • Boosts collagen production for firmer, smoother skin and stronger nails
  • Supports joint health and flexibility, aiding in mobility and comfort
  • Convenient liquid form for easy consumption and rapid results


  • Premium price point may deter some budget-conscious consumers
  • Taste may not be appealing to everyone, although it is easily masked when mixed with beverages or smoothies
  • Requires consistent use over time to observe significant improvements

Spoiled Child E27 Extra Strength Liquid Collagen is a potent formula that is specifically formulated to deliver the best results possible. Designed exclusively for mature women, it targets issues related to aging skin, including loss of firmness and moisture. This supplement works to improve the skin’s texture, making it firmer and smoother while strengthening nails as well.

Further, it is not only beneficial for aesthetic purposes; it also aids in joint well-being and flexibility, necessary for ease and freedom of movement in older age. As it comes in liquid form, it is very easy to use in day-to-day practices, making it easy to follow a strict regimen for the best outcomes.

However, it may be argued that the premium price will be unattainable for some pocket pinches. Furthermore, even if the taste is not the most pleasant, it can be easily concealed by diluting the product with drinks or smoothies. Finally, as with most supplements, dramatic changes may necessitate the daily use of the product for weeks or even months.

Overall, for post-fifty women in search of a collagen supplement to boost the skin, nails, and joints, Spoiled Child E27 Extra Strength Liquid Collagen proves highly worthy of consideration.

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Promote healthy skin and joints with Atlantis Nutrition Collagen Gummies for Women – the best solution you never knew you needed. Designed with absolute care, this multi-collagen supplement, containing Collagen Types 1 & 3, is a beauty blend. Packed with essential vitamins and a superfruit beauty complex, it stands to be above supplements.


  • Rejuvenate skin and joints: Atlantis Nutrition Collagen Gummies boast Collagen Types 1 & 3, promoting skin elasticity and joint flexibility for women over 50.
  • Beauty from within: Infused with a potent superfruit beauty blend, these gummies enhance radiance, providing a holistic approach to beauty.
  • Essential vitamins: Packed with vital vitamins, this supplement supports overall health, ensuring women over 50 feel their best.


  • Individual variations: Results may vary, as with any supplement. Some may experience faster benefits than others.
  • Taste preferences: While most enjoy the fruity flavor, taste preferences are subjective, and some individuals may have differing opinions.
  • Consistency is key: Optimal results require consistent use, so incorporate these gummies into your daily routine.

Atlantis Nutrition Collagen Gummies have numerous health benefits, and since we have personally used the supplement, we recommend it. Our team experienced these properties firsthand, observing enhanced skin tone and reduced joint pain, thereby confirming the product’s effectiveness.

These gummies are designed for women above the age of 50 and will be a welcomed inclusion into any woman’s daily regimen. All of them are gluten-free and contain no artificial additives; thus, they are suitable for various dietary preferences. Benefit from the ease of use of gummies without compromising on the quality of your products.

In conclusion, this Atlantis Nutrition Collagen Gummies for Women Supplement is a unique and reliable collagen supplement to buy. Experience a heightened sense of beauty and wellness with this perfectly crafted concoction. Find freedom in glowing skin, bendy bones, and boundless energy. Discover the fountain of youth and wellness with Atlantis Nutrition.

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We highly encourage the Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Powder with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C for women above 50 years. It contains pointers that aid collagen formation, making the skin look youthful and facilitating joint movements.


  • Contains 20g collagen peptides per serving, 100% daily value vitamin C, and 80 mg hyaluronic acid
  • Sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine for maximum benefits
  • Certified Paleo Friendly & Whole30 Approved, flavorless, odorless, and made without gluten & dairy


  • Some users may experience difficulty dissolving the powder in cold drinks
  • May not be suitable for those with allergies to bovine products
  • Packaging may vary from what is pictured

We decided to try Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Powder for several weeks and feel that our skin became smoother, more radiant, and hydrated. This supplement is unique due to the added vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, and it is sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine to acquire the best quality of the product. We applaud the fact that it is approved as Paleo Friendly as well as Whole30 & it does not contain gluten and dairy.

What people should know, however, is that the powder does not dissolve well and, when incorporated into cold beverages, then becomes clumpy, although it is advisable to reach the intended consumer before reaching the stomach. Also, people with sensitivity to bovine products need to be cautious when using this supplement.

In conclusion, we strongly suggest that women in the age group of 50 and above should consider using Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Powder as a quality collagen supplement that will help to increase collagen synthesis and improve skin elasticity and joint flexibility.

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When it comes to a collagen supplement that supports skin, nails, bones, and joint health, Sports Research Collagen Peptides for Women & Men is worth a shot.


  • Provides protein and amino acids to support healthy nails and promote radiant and youthful skin
  • Amino acids support joint health and improve body's response to exercise
  • Easy to use and dissolve in water, coffee, or smoothies


  • Some reviewers have reported that the product has a gritty texture
  • Some reviewers have reported that the product has a slightly unpleasant taste
  • May not be suitable for individuals with certain dietary restrictions

We have recently used Sports Research Collagen Peptides for Women & Men and found it quite effective. After two weeks of using the product, we realized that our nails seemed stronger and the skin looked healthy and glowing. We also liked the fact that the product could dissolve easily in water, coffee, or smoothies.

It is, however, important to note that some of the users of the product have complained of an abrasive feel and taste to the product. Furthermore, there is also a possibility that the product may not be appropriate for people with specific dietary needs.

In conclusion, if you want a protein supplement that can lead to improved skin, nails, bones, and joints, then Sports Research Collagen Peptides Women & Men could be a great option for you.

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If you want to get one supplement that benefits skin, hair, nails, bones, tendons, joints, and gut, then Vital Vitamins Multi Collagen Complex is one of the options that you may consider.


  • Contains types I, II, III, V, and X collagen from multiple sources for comprehensive benefits
  • Enhanced with Digeseb for better absorption
  • Non-GMO, hormone-free, gluten-free, and dairy-free


  • Some customers reported a fishy smell
  • May cause sleepiness in some individuals
  • Results may vary from person to person

We have incorporated the Vital Vitamins Multi Collagen Complex for weeks now and can say that we have experienced some growth in our hair and nails! The capsules are compact and, therefore, easy to swallow when ingested orally, making it easy to incorporate into regular use. We like that it includes all five types of collagen and is fortified with Digeseb, which makes for better absorption. The fact that it is non-GMO, Hormone-free, gluten-free and dairy-free is also a good thing.

However, some customers complained that the food prepared from this product had a fishy smell, which was unappetizing. Also, some people may develop fatigue after taking the supplement in question. It is always important to remember that in any supplement, the efficacy may differ from one individual to another. In conclusion, for anyone seeking a quality collagen supplement for general wellness and beauty, Multi Collagen Complex by Vital Vitamins is something to consider.

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For women above 50 years, we highly recommend the ForestLeaf Multi Collagen Pills with Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamin C to enhance skin firmness and elasticity as well as skin moisture. This collagen supplement is a special 3-type collagen enhanced with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C for skin, hair, and nails support, as well as maintaining beauty without invasive treatments.


  • Improves overall skin health and reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and sunspots.
  • May help boost skin collagen production and retain moisture.
  • Non-GMO, free from dairy, gluten, eggs, and nuts.


  • Capsules may be too large for some people to swallow.
  • Some customers reported no noticeable difference in their skin's appearance.
  • May not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions or allergies.

We have been using ForestLeaf Multi Collagen Pills with Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamin C for a couple of weeks, and the results we see are good: the skin has improved significantly in terms of health and moisturizing. We also observed improvement in the skin texture, where the skin looks more radiant, with fewer fine lines and wrinkles.

The collagen supplement is easy to consume in the form of capsules, and no side or adverse effects have been observed. We were glad to see that the capsules are non-GMO, and they do not contain dairy, gluten, eggs, or nuts which is ideal for people who have specific dietary needs.

All in all, we highly recommend the ForestLeaf Multi Collagen Pills with Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamin C for women above the age of fifty.

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If you want to incorporate easily digestible collagen peptides into your regular diet, then the Garden of Life Grass Fed Collagen Peptides Powder can be a great option for you. This collagen protein provides 20g of collagen peptides and 18g of proteins in every scoop and is made to be used in shakes, smoothies, or baking without any added taste.


  • Promotes skin, hair, and nails
  • Proven joint and mobility support
  • Supports gut health and digestion


  • Doesn't dissolve well in water
  • Taste may not be appealing to everyone
  • May cause allergic reactions in some people

We’ve recently incorporated Garden of Life Grass Fed Collagen Peptides Powder supplement into the diet for the last few weeks, and my skin, hair, as well as nails, improved noticeably. The powder mixture is easy to solubilize and it can be dissolved in either hot or cold liquid, which is ideal for incorporation into various recipes.

It is also very advantageous since this product has passed reliability tests for joint and mobility support. The bovine peptides consist of the essential amino acids and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) that are crucial for building up healthy cartilage, keeping joints sound and for tendons and related tissues to flex.

We also enjoy the fact that this product is known to improve gut health and digestion programs. With 1. 5 billion CFU probiotics for digestion and hydrolyzed enzymes that break the collagen down into its amino acids for the best absorption, Garden of Life Collagen Peptides make them highly bioavailable to the body for maximum outcome.

As much as its taste may not be appealing to many, it can be easily hidden in smoothies or any other recipe. However, for some users, it does not dissolve well in water which can be problematic for them. Furthermore, this product contains bovine peptides that may trigger allergic reactions in some users.

In summary, if you are interested in a collagen supplement that fulfills high standards of quality and has positive effects on the skin, hair, nails, joint mobility, and gut, then Garden of Life Grass Fed Collagen Peptides Powder is an ideal option.

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For skin, hair, joint, and gut health, we highly recommend that women over 50 should take Vitauthority Collagen Peptides Powder for women over 50.


  • The cellulite control blend with Ashwagandha Grains of paradise and SOD B Dimpless is effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite.
  • The high absorption farm raised and grass fed collagen powder features hyaluronic acid and vitamin C to naturally boost collagen production in the body.
  • The multi collagen complex for hair growth and shine plus Hyaluronic acid for uneven textured and wrinkled skin is an ultimate beauty blend.


  • The product may cause allergic reactions to some people.
  • The taste of the product is not pleasant.
  • The bottle does not last long.

Recently, we tested Vitauthority Collagen Peptides Powder and can confidently tell that this product helps combat cellulite and makes your skin look smoother. The product also enhances hair and nail growth since it improves the circulation of blood within the body. Another disadvantage is that the taste of the final product is not very appealing.

If you are in search of a collagen supplement that may help enhance your skin, hair, joint, and overall gut health, this one specifically by Vitauthority Collagen Peptides Powder is worth recommending.

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Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Living Collagen Nutritional Powder Supplement is a collagen supplement that supports healthy skin, hair, nails, and joints that look young and healthy.


  • Derived exclusively from grass-fed beef cartilage
  • Never heat-treated, leaving it remarkably vibrant and packed with the nutrition nature intended
  • Easy to use


  • May not be suitable for vegetarians or vegans
  • Some users may find the capsules difficult to swallow
  • May not be suitable for those with beef allergies

We have been using Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Living Collagen Nutritional Powder Supplement for a couple of weeks now, and we feel that our skin, hair, and nails are much improved. We love that it is sourced only from grass-fed beef cartilage and is not heat-processed; it is incredibly bright and full of the things the earth provided for us.

We also made a point of noting how simple it is to navigate and how straightforward it is to get to the information we were looking for. These can be consumed up to six times a day in the form of convenient capsules, or the capsule contents can be added to your smoothie or food.

Despite the fact that it is not vegetarian/vegan friendly and some users may experience a problem with swallowing the capsules, we think that the Ancestral Supplements are worth it because of their premium quality and nutritional profile.

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If you’re interested in taking a joint support supplement, then Move Free Ultra Pro with Quadruple Action Joint Support might be worth it for you.


  • Contains clinically proven joint comfort ingredients
  • Supports healthy bones, cartilage, and connective tissue
  • Developed by scientists with clinically tested ingredients


  • Large serving size of four tablets per day
  • Contains soy
  • May take time to see results

When we tested Move Free Ultra Pro with Quadruple Action Joint Support, it became evident that the supplement has a very special function that supports the joints' health. This product comes with type II collagen, uniflex, MSM, and manganese, which specifically promotes joint comfort and dietary healthy bones, cartilage, and connective tissue.

We found a small negative in the fact that we need to take four tablets a day, which might be inconvenient for some individuals. Besides, it includes soy as an ingredient, which can be problematic for people with soy intolerance or allergies. Lastly, it may require some time for the results to show; therefore, it is required that one be patient and continuous with the use of the supplement.

In conclusion, everybody considering taking a joint support supplement with conventional and clinically validated components may find it reasonable to give a try to the Move Free Ultra Pro with Quadruple Action Joint Support.

Buying Guide

Before we can determine the best collagen supplement for women over 50, there are some factors that need to be looked at. Here are some important factors to keep in mind:

Type of Collagen

There are different types of collagen, and they are all characterized by different properties and uses. Among all the collagens in the body, Type I collagen is the most common and it is present in skin, bone, and tendons. Type II collagen is associated with cartilage and Type III collagen with skin, muscles, and blood vessels. Choose a supplement that provides the most suitable kind of collagen that you require.

Source of Collagen

Collagen supplements can be sourced from cows, pigs, fish, and poultry. The most common tend to be bovine and porcine but others may opt for marine or chicken collagen based on their beliefs or dietary restrictions. Select a source that you prefer as an individual in terms of choice.

Additional Ingredients

Vitamin and mineral, or some other compound that helps to promote healthy skin may also be added to some collagen supplements. Choose a supplement that has ingredients that can work in synergy with the effects of collagen.

Form of Collagen

Collagen can be purchased in the form of powders, capsules, and drinks. Think about which type will be easier and more fun for you to consume.

Considering all these factors, it is easier to select the right collagen supplement that is right for your body.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of collagen is best for older women?

There are several types of collagen, but type I and type III are the most common and beneficial for skin, hair, and nail health. Type II collagen is best for joint health.

How much collagen should a 50 year old woman take daily?

The recommended daily dosage of collagen for women over 50 is 2.5-15 grams per day, depending on the product and the individual's needs. It is best to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase it as needed.

Is 50 too old to start taking collagen?

No, it is never too late to start taking collagen. In fact, as we age, our body's natural collagen production decreases, making supplementation even more important.

Should women over 50 take collagen?

Yes, women over 50 can benefit greatly from taking collagen supplements. Collagen can help improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, strengthen hair and nails, and support joint health.

What are the benefits of collagen for women over 50?

Collagen can help improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, strengthen hair and nails, and support joint health. It can also improve gut health and help with weight management.

Can collagen supplements help with joint pain in women over 50?

Yes, collagen supplements can help alleviate joint pain and stiffness in women over 50. Type II collagen is especially effective for joint health.

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Clinical Physician Assistant, Summit Health
Jeff brings to Buoy 20 years of clinical experience as a physician assistant in urgent care and internal medicine. He also has extensive experience in healthcare administration, most recently as developer and director of an urgent care center. While completing his doctorate in Health Sciences at A.T. Still University, Jeff studied population health, healthcare systems, and evidence-based medicine....
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