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Top 7 Best Hangover Pills

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Written by Andrew Le, MD.
Medically reviewed by
Clinical Physician Assistant, Summit Health
Last updated June 3, 2024

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Headaches are one of the consequences that people suffer after the night is spent consuming alcohol. The headache, nausea, and fatigue that results the next day can make it almost impossible to carry out any activity. There are many ways to cure a hangover, but one of the most famous is the use of hangover pills. These pills are aimed at helping to reduce the effects of a hangover and enable the body to recover more quickly.

Having spent days reviewing and trying different hangover pills, we found the best products that one can use. In addition to enabling relief from hangovers, the options mentioned above involve using clients that have quality contents and materials. Well, whether you have woken up after a hard night of celebrating or just had a few drinks the night before, these hangover pills will come in handy.

Top 3 Best Hangover Pills

  1. AfterDrink Hangover Pills
  2. BetterMorning Hangover Relief Remedy
  3. Purple Tree Post-Celebration Wellness Vitamins

We have all been there at a certain time in our lives when we wake up after a night of heavy alcohol consumption. There is no known antidote for a hangover, but there are products that one can use to mitigate the effects. Below is a list of the top hangover pills that are currently available for purchase. From the hydrating tablets to the liver-supporting supplements, these are products aimed at making you feel better after a night of drinking. If you want to avoid getting a hangover or treat the symptoms in the morning, it’s all here.

AfterDrink Hangover Pills

The Editor's Choice

After trying AfterDrink Hangover Pills, we can vouch for their post-party rescue. The revamped packaging houses the same trusted formula, guaranteeing a reliable remedy for rough mornings. Packed with liver-loving ingredients and made in the USA, it's a quality safety net for the celebratory aftermath.

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We highly recommend AfterDrink Hangover Pills for they effectively minimize the chances of a hangover and leave one feeling fresh the next day.


  • AfterDrink uses high-quality plant-based ingredients at optimal doses, with no cheap "proprietary blends" or under-dosed extracts.
  • The balanced formula ensures that every ingredient is dosed properly and makes a difference.
  • No artificial additives, fillers, or magnesium stearate.


  • The recommended dose of three capsules before and after drinking may seem like a lot to some people.
  • The price may be higher compared to some other hangover pills on the market.
  • Some people may experience mild side effects such as upset stomach or headaches.

We tried the AfterDrink Hangover Pills for ourselves, so we can say that it is an effective solution for the night-after miseries. The new look retains the original formula, and thus remains a trustworthy product for those who need an extra boost in the morning afterwards.

With ingredients such as Milk Thistle, Dihydromyricetin DHM, Vitamin B, Ginger, and lots of herbal extracts, these hangover pills offer a full service. This formula’s focus on liver support, in combination with its origin in the USA, guarantees its quality and safety to the users.

However, it should be noted that users are different and some of them may think that the size of the pill is too large for their tastes. Furthermore, a small portion may encounter slight stomach discomfort. Even though the price is higher than simple hangover remedies the complex list of ingredients is deserving of the price for those that are in search of a stronger cure.

In conclusion, if you are looking for the best hangover pill to bring you back up in the morning after a fun night, then the AfterDrink Hangover Pills with its new packaging and improved formula is a top-rated solution. It is a worthy investment in one's health that assures one is fit to face the day regardless of the previous night’s happenings.

Order BetterMorning Now!

If you are looking for a cure that can help you get rid of the hangover symptoms, this is the place to be. BetterMorning Hangover Relief Remedy may very well be the cure to your misery. Stuffed with vitamins and set to help dull the pain of a terrible morning after, this cure has a lot of potential for people who desire to be rid of the hangover.


  • Fast-acting formula to ease hangover symptoms quickly
  • Contains key vitamins and minerals to replenish the body
  • Easy-to-use format for convenience


  • May not completely eliminate all hangover symptoms
  • Could be priced higher compared to some other remedies on the market
  • Taste may not be palatable for everyone

Another exciting aspect of BetterMorning Hangover Relief Remedy is that it only takes a few minutes for the product to kick in and allow a person to recover from the effects of heavy drinking as quickly as possible. This home remedy includes vitamins and minerals that can help restore the body the following day, thus improving the morning after.

Despite all the advantages of using BetterMorning Hangover Relief Remedy, there are several things that one should note. Although it tends to minimize the signs of a hangover, it may not eradicate them for people who experience them. Further, some customers will note that the product is slightly expensive as compared to other remedies that are available in the market. Lastly, the preference of the taste differs and while for some it may be pleasant, to others it may be unpleasant.

Overall, if you’re looking for a hangover relief remedy that is efficient and helps to restore the body’s lost minerals, BetterMorning Hangover Relief Remedy could be considered by those who is ready to face difficult mornings after partying at night.

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If you wish not to suffer from a hangover the following morning while going out dancing, Purple Tree Post-Celebration Wellness Vitamins should be taken.


  • Promotes healthy liver function
  • Replenishes key vitamins and electrolytes
  • Can be taken any time before, during or right after drinking


  • Not a cure-all for hangovers
  • May not work for everyone
  • May cause stomach upset for some people

We recently tried Purple Tree Post-Celebration Wellness Vitamins and the outcome was rather satisfying. The herbal multivitamin pills are especially designed to support liver health and supply the needed vitamins and electrolytes. We noted that the lab-tested ingredients and formula contain Dihydromyricetin (DHM) – a liver support. It has been in use since ancient medicine and is a natural extract known as DHM.

It was convenient to swallow the pills, and no negative side effects were observed. We appreciate that they can be consumed any time prior to, during or post the consumption of alcohol for added relief. We also liked the fact that they are designed for adults who are consciously leading a healthy and active lifestyle and are manufactured in California at the GMP quality facility.

As for the pills, they did not eliminate all the effects of a hangover, but we did not feel as bad the next morning. We also loved that they are a natural supplement and can be used at any time, depending on the need. All in all, we can definitely endorse Purple Tree Post-Celebration Wellness Vitamins to anyone who is in the process of looking for an effective remedy for hangovers naturally.

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We strongly advise Himalaya PartySmart to anyone who wishes to go out for a night of drinking and not suffer the consequences of a hangover.


  • Helps process alcohol while you sleep
  • One capsule for a better morning
  • Herbal ingredients to eliminate acetaldehyde


  • May not work for everyone
  • Must remember to take it while drinking
  • May cause upset stomach in some individuals

Himalaya PartySmart is one solution that effectively prevents hangovers from happening. We weren’t convinced at first and decided to use it and were surprised by the results. PartySmart contains natural herbs to enhance the liver’s ability to metabolize alcohol at night leaving you feeling fresh the following morning.

PartySmart has many advantages, the most apparent one being its ease of use. It is advisable to have one capsule with water and the second one before going to sleep. The capsules are small and you can take them with you wherever you go since they can easily fit in your purse or pocket.

The ingredients used in the preparation of PartySmart are those that contribute to the product’s effectiveness. Other components include Andrographis, chicory, grapes, and dates, which aid in the removal of acetaldehyde, one of the metabolites in alcohol, from your system. This means people wake up feeling good and fresh, especially after a night of drunkenness.

Overall, we believe that it is worth giving an attempt to PartySmart because it may not suit every personality. It is a small gesture with great value that might help to change your mood the following day. It is recommended to take it alongside with a beverage of your choice and you are ready to go.

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If you are interested in an efficient product that will help you to get rid of hangover symptoms quickly, we strongly suggest you buy Blowfish for Hangovers.


  • Provides fast relief from hangover symptoms
  • Contains FDA-recognized safe and effective ingredients
  • Effervescent tablets are easy to take and have a pleasant lemon flavor


  • May not work for severe hangovers
  • Only treats symptoms and does not prevent hangovers
  • Higher price point compared to other hangover remedies

Blowfish for Hangovers is great if you have a really bad hangover the next day from being out drinking all night. The effervescent tablets are convenient to use and give quick relief of the symptoms of the morning, such as headache, nausea, and tiredness. We liked how quickly the tablets acted, and we were glad to know that they consisted of non-hazardous ingredients that are acknowledged by the FDA.

Even though Blowfish for Hangovers is a good remedy when it comes to curing hangover, it may not be very useful for serious hangovers. It is also crucial worth pointing out that Blowfish for Hangovers, is only designed to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. Lastly, the higher price may also pose as a disincentive for some customers to acquire the product.

In conclusion, Blowfish for Hangovers is a product that we highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a hangover cure that works fast.

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If you are looking for an efficient solution to your hangover problem, Alka-Seltzer Hangover Relief Tablets can be very helpful.


  • Fast-acting relief in about 15 minutes
  • Includes caffeine to boost the pain-relieving effects of aspirin by up to 40%
  • Pocket-sized packets make them perfect for party favors and wedding welcome bags


  • May not work for severe hangovers
  • May cause stomach upset in some people
  • Contains aspirin, which may not be suitable for everyone

Alka-Seltzer Hangover Relief Tablets are taken after drinking and they do the job efficiently without making you feel worse in the morning. Our headaches and body aches went away within fifteen minutes, while the caffeine boost made us more wakeful. It was also good and orange flavoured, and so it became very convenient to take and also have something to drink.

It was found that these tablets might not help much in coping with severe hangovers, but they are ideal if one is looking for an extra push in the morning. Also, their small packets are perfect to incorporate into favor or welcome bags for weddings or events.

All in all, we can confidently state that Alka-Seltzer Hangover Relief Tablets will be suitable if you want to feel relief from your hangover as quickly as possible. However, ensure that you drink a lot of water and take it exactly as prescribed to prevent nausea.

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If you are interested in a natural cure for the current ailment, then Good Morning – Hangover Pills by Good Health Co deserves attention.


  • No Magic, Just Science: This hangover kit uses natural ingredients to support your body's recovery process after a night of drinking.
  • Independently Tested: Clinical testing by the University of Pacific, California, proves the effectiveness of this product.
  • Liver Support: The milk thistle, dihydromyricetin (DHM), and amino acids in this product help support liver function and detoxification.


  • Not a Magic Pill: While this product can help support your body's recovery process, it's not a cure-all for hangovers.
  • Takes Time: It's important to take this product before bed to help support your body's recovery process, so it might not be the best option for those who forget to take supplements before bed.
  • May Not Work for Everyone: As with any supplement, individual results may vary.

In our experiences, Good Morning—Hangover Pills minimized the intensity of hangover symptoms the following morning. Some of the components are milk thistle and DHM, all of which can help the liver detoxify and can be useful after a night of partying.

We liked the fact that this product was tested by the University of Pacific, California, which helped to enhance our confidence in the product. Moreover, it became known that the presence of electrolytes in this product allowed for the avoidance of dehydration while allowing for the continuation of the night of drinking.

Nevertheless, consumers should remember that this product is not a magical solution and will not erase all hangover signs. It is also recommended that this product be consumed at night, for instance, before going to bed, which may not be convenient for everyone.

All in all, we believe that Good Morning – Hangover Pills by Good Health Co is a good option worth recommending for anyone in search of a natural cure for a hangover.

Buying Guide


The first thing that needs to be analyzed is the list of ingredients. Ensure that the product has some contents such as electrolytes, vitamins, and antioxidants that may help to reduce hangover symptoms. Some common ingredients to look for include:

Vitamin C: are also known to assist in the enhancing of the immune response and inflammation relief.

B vitamins: assist in maintaining energy levels as well as minimizing nausea

Electrolytes: assist in compensating for fluids lost during alcohol consumption

Milk thistle: is beneficial in maintaining liver health and assisting in the detoxification process.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC): It also aids in minimizing the potential harm that alcohol possesses on the liver.


Another factor is the dosage, although it is often integrated into formulations customized for specific practices or ailments. Ensure that you strictly adhere to the dosages indicated on the label and do not go beyond it. It’s important to follow the recommended amounts of a specific ingredient because even though some foods are good for you, eating too much of them isn’t good.


Price is an equally important factor that one should look at while selecting a particular product. Although the quality of the product is important, it is also unwise to spend a lot of money on a product that won’t be suitable for you. Search for a product that is affordable and has good value for the money.

Brand Reputation

Lastly, think about brand recognition. Search for a product that is manufactured by a trusted company that has as a history of providing quality supplements. To get an idea of what customers are experiencing, it is advisable to go through the reviews left by other customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best hangover medicine?

While some people may recommend different remedies for the depression that is associated with a hangover, the actual specific cure for the symptoms of a hangover can differ from one person to another. However, some of the ordinary drugs which are used are ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen. However, it should be noted that if one takes too many of these medications, then the liver is affected; hence, one should stick to the recommended portions.

What are the best tablets to stop a hangover?

It is important to not confuse them with hangover prevention tablets also available in the markets. Among some of them one may recognize Hangover Cure & Prevention Pills – Flyby, RU-21, Blowfish for Hangovers. These tablets come with vitamins, minerals, and other elements, which can considerably help lessen the symptoms of a hangover.

What is the pill before drinking for a hangover?

There is no single tablet before drinking for a hangover. Nevertheless, some people claim that activated charcoal or milk thistle supplements can be consumed before the use of the substance as an effective solution of the situation. These supplements are also believed to assist the body in binding some toxins and thus prevent the liver from being damaged through the oxidation of alcohol.

What is the number one cure for a hangover?

Hangover is treatable but there is no known universal remedy; however, it is possible to reduce the severity of the effects. Consuming more fluids, especially water, having adequate sleep and consuming a healthy meal will greatly assist in the elimination of alcohol toxins from the body. Furthermore, headaches and body aches can be relieved by over-the-counter pain medicine intake.

Are there any effective hangover-prevention supplements?

Yes, there are several hangover prevention supplements available in the market. These supplements contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients that help reduce the severity of hangover symptoms. Some of the popular ones include Flyby Hangover Cure & Prevention Pills, RU-21, and Blowfish for Hangovers.

Is Morning Recovery hangover drink effective?

Morning Recovery is a popular hangover drink that claims to help reduce the severity of hangover symptoms. The drink contains a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients that help support liver function and reduce inflammation. While some people swear by its effectiveness, others have reported mixed results. It's important to note that the effectiveness of Morning Recovery may vary from person to person.

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Clinical Physician Assistant, Summit Health
Jeff brings to Buoy 20 years of clinical experience as a physician assistant in urgent care and internal medicine. He also has extensive experience in healthcare administration, most recently as developer and director of an urgent care center. While completing his doctorate in Health Sciences at A.T. Still University, Jeff studied population health, healthcare systems, and evidence-based medicine....
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