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Top 9 Best Sleep Aids for Adults With Anxiety

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Written by Andrew Le, MD.
Medically reviewed by
Clinical Physician Assistant, Summit Health
Last updated May 28, 2024

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There is nothing as crucial as sleep in our well-being both bodily and mentally but attaining it especially with anxiety is a challenge. Some sleep aids may help and some may not. Here, we will discuss as to which sleep aid can be considered the best for adults who are dealing with anxiety.

In the case of sleep aids, one can use a number of products ranging from over the counter drugs to prescription drugs. However, not all sleep aids are appropriate for the use by people experiencing anxiety.

When it comes to selecting a sleep aid, care must be taken on the type of ingredients used and probable advice from a doctor. In the post, we will discuss the best drugs that help a person suffering from anxiety to sleep.

Top 3 Best Sleep Aid for Adults With Anxiety

  1. RestAgain Sleep Support
  2. Clevr Sleeptime SuperLatte
  3. WishGarden Herbs Sleepy Nights & Fresh Mornings

We present to you the ultimate buyers’ guide concerning sleep aids for adults with anxiety based on the products we have reviewed and tested. If you are inclined towards the natural method of addressing body ailments, or if you feel like pop pills is the way to go, we have got you sorted. Read on!

RestAgain Sleep Support

The Editor's Choice

RestAgain Sleep Support is effective and has a soothing quality as a solution to anxiety related night disorders. This vegetarian and non-genetically modified healthy supplement helps users to take sound sleep at night without any sleepy feeling during the day. Easy to add to your daily routine; For the best outcomes, take two capsules every night.

Order RestAgain Now!

Sleep easily with the RestAgain Sleep Support, the ultimate remedy for any adult who has a problem going to sleep due to anxiety issues. Designed to be the epitome of comfort, this sleep aid emerges as the epitome of sleep-inducing solutions when it comes to the hustle and bustle of nights that do not appear to cease.


  • It combines effective ingredients based on scientific evidence, which makes it a secure medication for customers struggling with anxiety-related sleep issues.
  • Developed to reduce the cognitive pressure that comes with anxiety.
  • Made in a special way so that you can get a relief without having to be addictive or withdrawn.


  • Results tend to vary depending on personal factors.
  • Results take time to show.

Having tried the RestAgain Sleep Support, we can confidently state that the product effectively helps to fight sleep disorders caused by anxiety. Organical is a non-GMO and vegan friendly supplement that fits various life-styles and guarantees a restful sleep without drowsiness observed in the case of conventional sleep aid supplements.

Easy to integrate into a person’s sleep schedule, one will need to take two capsules at night for the best outcome. The core competency of the product is built on quality, and, thus, RestAgain undergoes third-party analysis for its purity and efficacy.

Overall, RestAgain Sleep Support is not only a sleep aid, but also a protector of nights’ quiet for those who struggle with anxiety’s difficulties. Find your peace, get your rest – RestAgain is your partner in your road to much needed slumber.

Order Clevr Sleeptime SuperLatte Now!

If you are experiencing anxiety and issues with the sleep, then Clevr Sleeptime SuperLatte turns out to be a viable product. Spa formulated with natural herbs, it helps to reduce sleeplessness and provides the customers with a healthy night sleep as it relaxes the mind and body.


  • Made of natural ingredients such as chamomile and valerian root for a nice and soft calmness.
  • It is Caffeine free formula, therefore does not interfere with your sleeping pattern.
  • Convenient powdered form for easy preparation.


  • Results tend to vary depending on personal factors such as sensitivity and severity of anxiety
  • Some individuals may find the taste or texture less appealing

Though, the product may not be effective with all people, the components used such as chamomiles and valerian root is appealing for their relaxation effects. Lack of caffeine is also advantageous when it comes to getting a goodnight sleep since the tablet does not have the ability to wake one up intermittently. In addition, due to its powdered form, the product can be easily consumed on the go or can be incorporated into the customer’s meal plan more easily.

However, it is also important to understand that often taste receptors are different and some of those who tried the brand’s snacks can define the taste or texture as less appealing. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the product as well as independent buyers’ experiences may not be the same as anxiety levels as well as the sensitivity towards the product’s ingredients may vary.

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If you have a problem with sleep or wake up every night with anxiety, there is WishGarden Herbs Sleepy Nights & Fresh Mornings for you. This splendid sleeper for grown-ups offers a few notes of valerian root, passion flower, and chamomile and they bring harmony to your evenings.


  • High-quality blend for combating sleeplessness caused by anxiety and other health conditions.
  • Supports not just restful sleep but a fresh, revitalized morning awakening.
  • It is free from synthetic additives boasting a quality formula.
  • Describes the relationship between anxiety and insomnia, which is quite
  • Reclaims your mornings, gain back the energy you need to kick start your day in proper fashion.


  • Not recommended to individuals who are not fond of herbal supplements.
  • Results tend to vary depending on personal factors.

WishGarden Herbs Sleepy Nights & Fresh Mornings is a product that should not be missing from your daily routine, especially just before going to bed. Minimise the experience of nights filled with stress, and wake up in the morning feeling more alive. Want to take your nights and mornings to literary heights, then use this natural wonder to weave a language of peacefulness.

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If you are wondering which vegan and gluten-free sleep aid to take, Sugarbear Sleep Aid Gummies seem perfect for this purpose.


  • The gummies are vegan, contains no gluten, soy, and are cruelty-free.
  • The suppplement has Melatonin, Magnesium, L-Theanine, 5 HTP, B6, Valerian root, Lemon Balm, all ingredients that help in relaxation and improved sleep.
  • The gummies are berry-flavored which is something that makes it possible for people to take it without having to worry about the taste of traditional sleep aids.


  • Some users complained of experiencing drowsiness, so it is important not to operate machinery or drive while using it.
  • Some users complained of having sluggish the next day after using the product.

We took the Sugarbear Sleep Aid Gummies and it did help us in sleeping better. The gummies have a fine berry taste, thus making them to be taken easily by the users. We also thank that the product vegan & gluten free, which would be perfect for those who avoid certain diets.

However, there was a feeling of congestion the following working day after applying the product, it should therefore be used sparingly. In conclusion, we would suggest Sugarbear Sleep Aid Gummies to anyone who wishes to have a sleeping aid that is organic.

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We recommend Relaxium Sleep Aid to those who are in search of an over-the-counter supplement which can put them to sleep and keep them in sleep without feeling half-asleep in the morning.


  • The Triple-Action formula helps get back to your natural sleep cycle, ease your muscles and quiet your mind so that you can get to sleep faster, and stay asleep.
  • This combination of melatonin, magnesium, passion flower, amino acid GABA, Ashwagandha, And chamomile are safe and non addictive.
  • Valerest is another active ingredient of the supplement that will help calm the body and induce sleep safely.


  • Results tend to vary depending on personal factors.
  • It may take some time to figure out the right dosage that works for you.

Relaxium Sleep Aid ensured we fell asleep faster and also experienced a longer duration of sleep without waking up with a heavy head. The capsules must be swallowed and there is no residue, specifically the aftertaste which is rather off-putting. However, the consumer should bear in the mind that natural supplement may not be effective to all individuals in the same way and certain peculiarities exist such as the right dosage and the ideal time to take the supplements that would suit the particular individual.

Overall, Relaxium Sleep Aid is a completely harmless and efficient organic remedy for those with anxiety problems and potential risk factors when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. When in doubt, be sure to clear any natural supplements you wish to include in your diet with your doctor, particularly if you are on medication, planning for a baby, or are breastfeeding.

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Searching for a sleep aid that would give a good night’s sleep, try taking using MEDCHOICE Melatonin Capsules.


  • Melatonin as well as l-theanine and chamomile can help you enjoy a good night’s sleep as it natural ingredients.
  • These capsules are non-narcotic that makes it appropriate for long term use.
  • The ingredients in the supplement can also have positive effects concerning muscles as well as the function of the brain.


  • Results tend to vary depending on personal factors.
  • Some users complained of experiencing drowsiness the next day.

MEDCHOICE Melatonin Capsules were indeed helpful to get a good night sleep as well as aiding the user in getting to sleep. A combination of natural ingredients used in the supplement helped to affirm a good sleep at night and; we did not feel drowsy the following morning.

The recommended dosage is to take two capsules with a glass of water, and it is best to take it at least an hour before the bedtime. Portion has its 1148mg with 6mg of melatonin. The supplement provides maximum levels of Melatonin, L-Theanine, the active competition vitamin B6, GABA, Valerian root, Magnesium and Chamomile.

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If you're looking for a natural sleep aid that does not contain melatonin, we highly recommend the Nested Naturals Luna Sleep Supplement.


  • The infusion of chamomile, lemon balm, passionflower, hops and Valerian root helps you to have sound sleep and keeps sleeping patterns normal.
  • The L-Theanine amino acid found in green tea helps in boosting you up for the next day.
  • The formula is free of the sleep hormone melatonin so you’ll wake up feeling refreshed, not groggy.


  • Results tend to vary depending on personal factors.
  • It is a bit expensive

After using the Nested Naturals Luna Sleep Supplement, we can confirm that it does work in making one to sleep without having to wake up feeling groggy during the next morning. This exquisite mix of Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Passionflower, Hops, and Valerian Root has a soothing effect, thus making it easier to fall asleep and requiring less turning through out the night.

We also like that its formula does not contain any melatonin, which lets one wake up without grogginess. Some of the side effects included feeling rather unreal during the day; however, they were not severe, and the side effects associated with the supplement did not deter us from its usage.

Overall, if you are searching for a sleep supplement containing no melatonin yet being natural, it’s better to turn your attention to the Lunar Sleep Supplement by Nested Naturals. Lemon balm and extract along with the ingredient L-Theanine promote a non-melatonin kind of sleep and a revitalizing wake in the morning.

However, necessary attention must be paid to the fact that like any other supplements users may experience different effects or side effects with brief or temporary results.

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If you are searching for a natural sleep aid that also assists with anxiety, Combat Cleaner Sleep Spray Kit won’t disappoint you.


  • It has the lavender scent, which is so soothing to the mind and assists one in having a restful sleep within no time.
  • The kit includes three different scents: of lavender, vanilla, and rose, therefore giving you the leeway to select the one you prefer.
  • The spray is easy to use and makes no stains on your pillows.


  • The vanilla scent may not be as effective as the other two in helping you fall asleep.
  • Some users find the rose scent to be too strong.

Over the past weeks, we’ve been using Combat Cleaner Sleep Spray Kit and we are satisfied with its effectiveness. We like the lavender scent best and we have observed that when we spray it, we get to sleep faster, and our sleep is more sound. The vanilla fragrance is also pleasant, but as for us it is less effective than the lavender one. Only a slight problem with the rose scent being a tad overpowering for our tastes, but that might be better suited for those who like that sort of cleaning supply smell to their candles.

The spray bottles are easy to use and to our surprise there is no residue left on our pillows. Yet again, this little kit is provided in three different fragrances, so we can use different one every time and have a different experience. The only thing that I saw was that the bottles are not so big, so maybe when we will be using it every night, we will run out soon.

All in all, we suggest that anyone interested in a natural sleep aid that combats anxiety should use Combat Cleaner Sleep Spray Kit. Another scent, lavender oil is especially beneficial regarding the mentioned issue, while the offered kit can be considered affordable and worth the investment.

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If you are interested in an all natural product that will help you get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer RXZELL Sleep Aid might fit the bill.


  • Comes in soft gel form which is easy to swallow.
  • It assists you in getting a sound sleep during the night.
  • It is a safe and non-habit forming sleep aid.


  • Some users complained of experiencing drowsiness in the morning..
  • Results tend to vary depending on personal factors.

It was effective to use one softgel before going to bed to ease falling asleep and improve the duration of the sleep. The Diphenhydramine HCl 50mg active substance of the preparation relieved our minds and bodies so we could easily fall asleep. We also liked the fact that it was secure, and not something that one can get addicted to; thus offering us security.

A couple of disadvantages found with the product was the slight dullness one would feel in the morning, but this can be easily solved by drinking coffee. We also observed that its use is contraindicated in children of twelve years and below; therefore, it should remain in a well-closed container and beyond the reach of children.

Buying Guide


First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to what ingredients the supplement has. Always ensure that you settle for products that contain natural compounds, for those with substances that may be hazardous to your health. They found that for anxiety and sleep, natural remedies that could be recommended were melatonin, valerian root, passion flower, and chamomile.

Dosage and Timing

It is vital to check the right dosage and when it is appropriate to take the sleep aid that you have selected. It may be advisable to take particular products at certain times of the day or night; or, as may be the case with certain skin treatments, it may be essential to use it day and night for weeks on end. It is relevant to observe the steps keenly to have an idea of what is expected of you.

Side Effects

It is important to observe the possible side effects that come with the sleep aid you intend on taking. Natural products are believed to be harmless and safe but in some cases; they can lead to side effects. The side effect of Del Heck might be for example drowsiness, dizziness and headaches. If you have any of the side effects, the product should be discontinued and your doctor should be contacted.

Price and Availability

Lastly, it is important to look at the cost of the sleep aid of your choice and its accessibility. When it comes down to the prices, some goods are even cheaper than others, but it should be understood that a product with a higher price does not always have a higher quality. Choose those products that are affordable because of your budget or those that you find commonplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some non-addictive anxiety medications that can aid sleep?

There are a number of non-addictive anxiety medications which can help in sleeping and include buspirone, hydroxyzine, pregabalin among others. That is, these medications are usually used for the treatment of anxiety disorders, however, under certain circumstances may act as sleeping pills that is to help to reduce anxiety.

What are the best natural sleep aids for elderly individuals with anxiety?

Some of the natural remedies for the elderly experiencing anxiety include; Valerian root, chamomile tea, lavender oil and melatonin. Some of the natural treatments have proven to assist in the reduction of anxiety levels as well as the enhancement of sleep among the elderly.

What are the most effective prescription medications for anxiety and sleep?

The most effective prescription medications for anxiety and sleep are benzodiazepines, among which there are alprazolam and diazepam, as well as non-benzodiazepine hypnodics including zolpidem and eszopiclone. The medications that are effective in dealing with anxiety and sleep disorders indicate that they are addictive substances and should be taken under prescription from doctors

What over-the-counter medications can help with anxiety and sleep?

Safe OTC medications for anxiety and sleep include antihistamines, including diphenhydramine and doxylamine and natural products – melatonin and valerian root. But at the same time it is necessary to understand that they are not as effective as prescription medication and they have more side effects.

Does sleep aid effectively treat anxiety symptoms?

Yes, sleep aids are known to have a positive impact on the anxiety symptoms whereby there is a decrease in the improvement of sleep quality not forgetting the decrease in sleep disturbances. They are not, however, used for anxiety disorders first-line treatment and should be accompanied by CBT and pharmacotherapy.

What is the strongest over-the-counter sleeping pill available?

Diphenhydramine is the most potent over the counter sleeping pill most commonly in medications like Benadryl or Tylenol PM. Nevertheless, it is important to observe that these medications yield to dizziness and other side, so you should use them only according to the prescription.

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Clinical Physician Assistant, Summit Health
Jeff brings to Buoy 20 years of clinical experience as a physician assistant in urgent care and internal medicine. He also has extensive experience in healthcare administration, most recently as developer and director of an urgent care center. While completing his doctorate in Health Sciences at A.T. Still University, Jeff studied population health, healthcare systems, and evidence-based medicine....
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