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Best Bariatric Surgeons in Odessa

Written by Andrew Le, MD

Updated September 19, 2024

Introduction to Bariatric Surgery in Odessa

Definition of Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a medical specialty focused on weight loss procedures for individuals with severe obesity.

Common procedures include gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and adjustable gastric banding.

Importance of Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery can lead to significant weight loss, improving or resolving obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.

Patients often experience enhanced mobility, increased energy levels, and improved self-esteem following successful bariatric procedures.

Overview of Bariatric Surgery in Odessa

Odessa offers bariatric surgery services to residents seeking effective weight loss solutions.

While the number of providers may be limited compared to larger metropolitan areas, qualified specialists like Dr. Subhash Nagalla are available to serve the community's needs.

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List of Bariatric Surgeons in Odessa


Dr. Subhash Nagalla


Odessa, TX






(432) 888-9001


Bariatric Surgery

Choosing a Bariatric Surgeon in Odessa

Factors to Consider

Qualifications and Experience

  • Board certifications
  • Years of practice
  • Specialization in bariatric procedures

Patient Reviews and Ratings

  • Importance of star ratings
  • Number of reviews
  • Detailed patient feedback

Hospital Affiliations

  • Quality of affiliated hospitals
  • Accreditation of bariatric surgery centers

Communication and Language

  • Availability of language options
  • Clear communication of procedures and risks

Resources for Research

Online Directories

  • Healthgrades as a primary source
  • Other reputable medical directories

Local Medical Associations

  • Texas Medical Association resources
  • Local bariatric surgery societies

Referrals and Recommendations

  • Primary care physician referrals
  • Support groups for bariatric patients

Top-Ranked Bariatric Surgeon in Odessa

Dr. Subhash Nagalla

Qualifications and Expertise

  • Specialized in Bariatric Surgery
  • Male physician based in Odessa, TX
  • Practices at a local medical facility

Patient Feedback and Ratings

  • 4.0-star rating on Healthgrades
  • Based on 7 patient reviews
  • Indicates positive patient experiences

Contact Information and Accessibility

  • Phone number: (432) 888-9001
  • Healthgrades profile available for more information
  • English-speaking, facilitating clear communication

Considerations When Choosing Dr. Nagalla

Expertise in Bariatric Procedures

  • Specialization suggests focused experience in weight loss surgeries
  • Potential for customized treatment plans

Patient Satisfaction

  • Above-average rating indicates patient trust
  • Consider reading individual reviews for specific feedback

Accessibility and Communication

  • Direct phone contact available for appointments and inquiries
  • English proficiency ensures clear doctor-patient communication

Additional Tips for Selecting a Bariatric Surgeon

Consultation Process

Preparing for Initial Meetings

  • List key questions to ask during consultations
  • Suggest bringing medical history and weight loss attempts documentation

Assessing Physician Compatibility

  • Evaluate communication style and clarity
  • Consider comfort level with the surgeon

Understanding Surgical Approaches

Types of Bariatric Procedures

  • Overview of common bariatric surgeries
  • Pros and cons of each approach

Personalized Treatment Plans

  • Importance of tailored surgical recommendations
  • Factors influencing procedure selection

Post-Surgery Support

Follow-up Care

  • Inquire about post-operative appointment schedules
  • Availability of support groups or counseling services

Long-term Relationship

  • Importance of ongoing communication with the surgical team
  • Access to nutritional guidance and lifestyle support