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Best Geneticists in Sugar Land

Written by Andrew Le, MD

Updated September 19, 2024

Introduction to Genetic Counseling in Sugar Land, Texas

Definition and Scope of Genetic Counseling

Genetic counseling is a specialized medical service that provides individuals and families with information about genetic conditions, inheritance patterns, and potential risks.

This field plays a significant role in modern healthcare by helping patients understand their genetic makeup and make informed decisions about their health and family planning.

Overview of Genetic Counseling Services in Sugar Land

Sugar Land, Texas, is home to several qualified genetic counselors, offering residents access to this important medical specialty.

Services may include prenatal genetic counseling, cancer risk assessment, and counseling for inherited disorders.

Benefits of Consulting a Genetic Counselor

Genetic counselors help patients comprehend complex genetic information, empowering them to make well-informed healthcare decisions.

By working with a genetic counselor, individuals can better understand their family health history and potential genetic risks, leading to more personalized healthcare strategies.

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List of Geneticists in Sugar Land


Kayla Rosnau


Sugar Land, TX






(281) 566-1900


Genetic Counseling


Susan Reilly


Sugar Land, TX






(281) 566-1845


Genetic Counseling


Rachael Shilbauer


Sugar Land, TX






(281) 566-1800


Genetic Counseling


Meagan Kaulfus


Sugar Land, TX






(713) 441-8571


Genetic Counseling

Choosing a Genetic Counselor in Sugar Land

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Genetic Counselor

Qualifications and Experience

  • Review educational background and certifications
  • Consider years of practice in genetic counseling
  • Look for specialization in specific genetic conditions

Communication Style and Approach

  • Assess ability to explain complex genetic information
  • Evaluate counselor's empathy and patient-centered care
  • Consider language proficiency (all listed counselors speak English)

Accessibility and Location

  • Check proximity to Sugar Land
  • Evaluate availability and ease of scheduling appointments
  • Consider telehealth options if offered

Overview of Available Genetic Counselors in Sugar Land

Gender Distribution

  • All listed genetic counselors are female
  • Consider personal preference for counselor gender

Specialties and Focus Areas

  • All counselors specialize in Genetic Counseling
  • Research any sub-specialties or areas of expertise

Patient Ratings and Reviews

  • Note that star ratings are not available for listed counselors
  • Encourage seeking additional patient feedback from other sources

Steps in the Selection Process

Initial Research

  • Review provided list of genetic counselors
  • Visit counselors' Healthgrades profiles for more information
  • Check for any additional online presence or publications

Contacting Potential Counselors

  • Use provided phone numbers to reach out
  • Prepare questions about their approach and experience
  • Inquire about initial consultation process

Making a Decision

  • Compare notes on different counselors
  • Consider personal comfort level with each counselor
  • Reflect on alignment with your genetic counseling needs

Top Genetic Counselors in Sugar Land

Overview of Available Genetic Counselors

Number of genetic counselors in Sugar Land

  • Four genetic counselors identified in the area

Common characteristics

  • All counselors are female
  • All speak English
  • All listed on Healthgrades

Meagan Kaulfus

Professional Profile

  • Specializes in Genetic Counseling
  • Gender: Female
  • Languages: English

Contact Information

  • Phone: (713) 441-8571
  • Healthgrades profile available for more details

Susan Reilly, MS

Professional Profile

  • Holds a Master's degree
  • Specializes in Genetic Counseling
  • Gender: Female
  • Languages: English

Contact Information

  • Phone: (281) 566-1845
  • Healthgrades profile available for more information

Rachael Shilbauer

Professional Profile

  • Specializes in Genetic Counseling
  • Gender: Female
  • Languages: English

Contact Information

  • Phone: (281) 566-1800
  • Healthgrades profile available for additional details

Kayla Rosnau

Professional Profile

  • Specializes in Genetic Counseling
  • Gender: Female
  • Languages: English

Contact Information

  • Phone: (281) 566-1900
  • Healthgrades profile accessible for more information

Additional Resources for Finding the Right Genetic Counselor in Sugar Land

Online Platforms and Directories


  • Overview of Healthgrades as a resource
  • How to use Healthgrades to find genetic counselors in Sugar Land

Professional Genetic Counseling Associations

  • National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) directory
  • American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC) certification verification

Questions to Ask Potential Genetic Counselors

Experience and Specialization

  • Inquire about experience with specific genetic conditions
  • Ask about areas of specialization within genetics

Patient Education and Support

  • Discuss their approach to explaining complex genetic information
  • Ask about resources provided for ongoing patient support

Preparing for Your Genetic Counseling Appointment

Gathering Family Medical History

  • Compile a comprehensive family medical history
  • Include information from both maternal and paternal sides

Preparing Questions and Concerns

  • List specific questions about genetic risks
  • Note any concerns about genetic testing or results