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Best Podiatrists in Moreno Valley

Written by Andrew Le, MD

Updated September 19, 2024

Introduction to Podiatry in Moreno Valley

Definition and scope of podiatry

Podiatry is a medical specialty focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity.

Podiatrists in Moreno Valley are trained to address a wide range of conditions, from common issues like ingrown toenails and plantar fasciitis to more complex problems such as diabetic foot care and sports injuries.

These specialists play a significant role in maintaining overall health, as foot problems can affect mobility and quality of life.

Importance of selecting the right podiatrist

Choosing the right podiatrist in Moreno Valley is an important decision that can have a lasting impact on your foot health and overall well-being.

A skilled podiatrist can provide personalized treatment plans, offer preventive care advice, and help manage chronic conditions affecting the feet and ankles.

By selecting a qualified professional, patients can benefit from the latest advancements in podiatric medicine and enjoy improved mobility and comfort in their daily lives.

The data shows that Moreno Valley has several highly-rated podiatrists, such as Dr. Yunhan Zhang with a 4.8-star rating, indicating patient satisfaction with the quality of care provided in the area.

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List of Podiatrists in Moreno Valley


Dr. Yunhan Zhang


Moreno Valley, CA




English, Chinese


(951) 251-6000



Kaiser Permanente Moreno Valley Medical Center

Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center

Podiatric Surgery



Dr. Roland Gaskins


Moreno Valley, CA




English, Spanish


(951) 486-8618

Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine (Medical School, 1988)




Podiatric Surgery

Podiatric Foot & Ankle Surgery


Dr. Kelly Parks


Moreno Valley, CA






(909) 706-3900


Riverside University Health System-Medical Center


Podiatric Surgery

Podiatric Foot & Ankle Surgery

Overview of Doctor Selection Process in Moreno Valley

Key Factors in Selecting a Podiatrist

Qualifications and Experience

  • Review educational background
  • Check board certifications
  • Consider years of practice

Patient Ratings and Reviews

  • Analyze star ratings (e.g., Dr. Zhang's 4.8 stars)
  • Read patient testimonials
  • Consider the number of reviews (e.g., 10 reviews for Dr. Zhang and Dr. Gaskins)

Hospital Affiliations

  • Note affiliations with reputable institutions (e.g., Kaiser Permanente, Riverside University Health System)
  • Consider proximity of affiliated hospitals to your location

Language Capabilities

  • English proficiency
  • Additional languages (e.g., Chinese for Dr. Zhang, Spanish for Dr. Gaskins)

Utilizing Available Resources

Online Platforms

  • Health-focused websites (e.g., Healthgrades)
  • Local medical directories
  • Insurance provider directories

Professional Recommendations

  • Consult primary care physicians
  • Seek referrals from other healthcare professionals

Local Community Resources

  • Moreno Valley health department
  • Local podiatry associations

Top-Ranked Podiatrists in Moreno Valley

Dr. Yunhan Zhang


  • Highly rated podiatrist with 4.8 stars from 10 reviews
  • Specializes in Podiatric Surgery and Podiatry
  • Male doctor fluent in English and Chinese

Professional Details

  • Affiliated with Kaiser Permanente Moreno Valley and Riverside Medical Centers
  • Contact number: (951) 251-6000
  • Photo available on HealthGrades profile

Dr. Roland Gaskins


  • Experienced podiatrist with 3.4 star rating from 10 reviews
  • Specializes in Podiatry, Podiatric Surgery, and Podiatric Foot & Ankle Surgery
  • Male doctor fluent in English and Spanish

Education and Practice

  • Graduated from Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine in 1988
  • Contact number: (951) 486-8618
  • Photo available on HealthGrades profile

Dr. Kelly Parks

Professional Profile

  • Female podiatrist specializing in Podiatry, Podiatric Surgery, and Podiatric Foot & Ankle Surgery
  • Affiliated with Riverside University Health System-Medical Center
  • Fluent in English

Practice Information

  • Contact number: (909) 706-3900
  • No patient ratings available on HealthGrades
  • Photo available on HealthGrades profile

Additional Tips for Choosing the Right Podiatrist

Verifying Credentials and Certifications

Importance of Board Certifications

  • Explains the significance of board certifications in podiatry
  • Encourages patients to check for certifications when available

Researching Educational Background

  • Highlights the value of reviewing a podiatrist's educational history
  • Notes Dr. Roland Gaskins' education at Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine

Considering Language and Communication

Multilingual Capabilities

  • Emphasizes the importance of clear communication with your podiatrist
  • Highlights Dr. Yunhan Zhang's ability to speak English and Chinese
  • Notes Dr. Roland Gaskins' proficiency in English and Spanish

Evaluating Hospital Affiliations

Benefits of Strong Hospital Connections

  • Discusses the advantages of choosing a podiatrist with reputable hospital affiliations
  • Mentions Dr. Yunhan Zhang's affiliations with Kaiser Permanente facilities
  • Notes Dr. Kelly Parks' connection to Riverside University Health System-Medical Center

Assessing Patient Feedback

Interpreting Star Ratings and Reviews

  • Explains how to use patient ratings as part of the decision-making process
  • Compares Dr. Yunhan Zhang's 4.8-star rating with Dr. Roland Gaskins' 3.4-star rating

Considering the Number of Reviews

  • Advises on the importance of looking at the number of reviews, not just the rating
  • Notes that both Dr. Zhang and Dr. Gaskins have 10 reviews each