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Top 6 Best Burn Ointments to Soothe & Relieve Burns

Written by Andrew Le, MD

UpdatedJune 22, 2024

Burns account for an estimated 180,000 deaths every year. Whether minor or severe, burns can inflict intense pain and distress. From sunburns to thermal burns, these injuries demand swift and effective treatment to alleviate discomfort, stave off infection, and facilitate healing.

Choosing the wrong burn ointment can lead to inadequate pain relief, increased risk of infection, and prolonged healing times. Furthermore, some products may contain ingredients that cause allergic reactions or irritation, exacerbating the already sensitive skin. Without proper guidance, navigating the vast array of burn ointments can be overwhelming and potentially detrimental to your recovery process.

Fortunately, we have researched and selected the top burn ointments based on their effectiveness, quality, and user reviews. These carefully curated products, from silver sulfadiazine cream to natural remedies like aloe vera gel, are designed to soothe burns, prevent infections, and promote healing.

Types of Burn Ointments

Burn injuries, ranging from minor sunburns to severe thermal burns, require specific treatments to alleviate pain, prevent infection, and promote healing. The choice of ointment depends on the burn's severity, the affected area, and individual patient needs.

Here are the various types of burn ointments, highlighting their uses, benefits, and considerations to ensure effective treatment and recovery.

1. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is widely recognized for its soothing and healing properties, particularly in treating first and second-degree burns. This clear gel, derived from the aloe plant, is known to expedite wound healing and relieve pain and inflammation.

Its application helps moisten the burn area, which is crucial for optimal healing. Aloe vera gel is generally safe when used topically, making it a popular choice for treating minor burns and sunburns.

2. Silver Sulfadiazine

Silver sulfadiazine is an antibiotic ointment used to prevent and treat infections in burn wounds. Commonly prescribed for severe burns, it stops the growth of bacteria that may infect an open wound. Silver sulfadiazine is typically applied as a cream, forming a protective barrier over the burn site.

Despite its effectiveness, this ointment must be used under medical supervision, as improper use can lead to resistance or other complications.

3. Lidocaine Cream

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that provides pain relief for minor burns by causing temporary numbness. This cream is particularly useful for burns accompanied by itching and discomfort. Lidocaine blocks nerve signals in the affected area, thereby reducing pain sensations.

It is available over the counter and by prescription, depending on the concentration and form. Proper application is crucial to avoid potential side effects, such as redness or swelling at the application site.

4. Antibacterial Ointments

Various over-the-counter antibacterial ointments, such as those containing bacitracin or neomycin, are also used to prevent infections in minor burns. These ointments help by creating a moist healing environment and preventing bacterial growth.

They are easy to apply and are generally safe for home use. However, individuals with known allergies to these ingredients should avoid using these products.

5. Herbal and Natural Remedies

Some burn ointments incorporate herbal ingredients such as calendula, honey, or chamomile, which are known for their anti-inflammatory and healing properties. These natural remedies are often used with other treatments to provide soothing relief and promote faster healing.

While these products can be effective, it is essential to ensure they are appropriately formulated and tested for safety and efficacy.

Best Burn Ointments to Soothe & Relieve Burns

We have researched the top burn ointments and selected them based on their effectiveness, quality, and user reviews. These ointments are designed to alleviate pain, prevent infection, and promote healing in burn injuries ranging from minor sunburns to severe thermal burns.

Silver Sulfadiazine 1% Cream

Silver Sulfadiazine 1% Cream, a generic alternative to Silvadene, serves as a crucial element in wound care, particularly in preventing and treating infections in burn wounds. This ointment for burns requires a prescription and is available through Amazon Pharmacy, providing patients with easy access to essential treatments. Each tube, containing 20 grams, offers a 14-day supply, ensuring patients have an ample amount for effective use.


  • Effectively prevents and treats infections in burn wounds, aiding healing.
  • Contains silver sulfadiazine, which kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria in the affected area.
  • Easy application process; simply apply a thin film to the affected area, following proper hand hygiene.
  • Can be covered with a sterile gauze dressing for added protection.
  • Available for purchase through Amazon Pharmacy, offering convenience and accessibility to patients.


  • Potential for allergic reactions or adverse side effects, including skin rash, itching, or swelling, which should be reported to a healthcare professional promptly.
  • May cause mild skin irritation or dryness in some individuals.
  • Requires careful monitoring for any signs of systemic effects such as kidney or liver injury, which necessitate immediate medical attention.
  • Interaction with other medications, such as collagenase, papain, or sutilains, should be considered and monitored by healthcare professionals.
  • Despite its efficacy, Silver Sulfadiazine 1% Cream might not be suitable for all wound types, and its use should be guided by a healthcare provider's recommendations.
Neosporin Dual Action Burn Relief & First-Aid Antibiotic Ointment

Neosporin Dual Action Burn Relief & First-Aid Antibiotic Ointment stands as a versatile solution for wound care, particularly for minor burns and wounds. Manufactured by Neosporin, a trusted brand in first aid, this topical ointment offers 24-hour infection protection alongside maximum strength burn pain relief.

This antibiotic ointment for burns has ingredients including bacitracin zinc, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B sulfate, and pramoxine hydrochloride, which effectively soothes and reduces burn pain while preventing infections.


  • Provides maximum strength burn pain relief without causing any stinging sensation, offering comfort to users during the healing process.
  • Contains antibiotics such as bacitracin zinc, neomycin sulfate, and polymyxin B sulfate, ensuring 24-hour infection protection for minor cuts, scrapes, and burns.
  • Formulated with pramoxine hydrochloride, an external analgesic, to alleviate skin burn pain effectively.
  • Offers easy application and usage instructions, making it suitable for inclusion in any first-aid burn care kit.
  • Backed by the reputation and recommendation of being the #1 doctor-recommended brand for first aid.


  • Some users may experience mild skin irritation or allergic reactions to the ingredients, although these instances are relatively rare.
  • May not be suitable for all types of wounds or injuries, requiring users to consult with healthcare professionals for appropriate usage guidance.
  • The ointment's effectiveness may vary depending on the severity and nature of the burn or wound, requiring proper assessment and treatment.
Aquaphor Healing Ointment

Aquaphor Healing Ointment is a versatile solution catering to a variety of skincare needs. Designed as a multi-purpose skin protectant, it serves as an essential aid for individuals dealing with dry, compromised skin, minor cuts, burns, dry cuticles, cracked heels, and dry lips.

This ointment is formulated to restore smooth, healthy skin, making it a convenient replacement for foot or hand creams, thanks to its ability to heal dry, cracked hands, cuticles, and feet. Unlike typical body lotions or creams, Aquaphor Healing Ointment is water-free, creating a protective barrier that allows for the flow of oxygen, thus promoting an ideal healing environment.


  • Aquaphor Healing Ointment serves as a one-stop solution for multiple skincare needs, including dry skin, minor wounds, cracked heels, and dry lips.
  • Backed by clinical evidence, this ointment is specifically designed to restore smooth, healthy skin, making it a reliable choice for those dealing with various skin issues.
  • Unlike regular lotions or creams, Aquaphor is formulated to create a protective barrier on the skin, allowing for the flow of oxygen and moisture while soothing and protecting the skin.
  • Recognized for its effectiveness and quality, Aquaphor Healing Ointment has been honored as an Allure Best of Beauty winner in 2023.
  • Available in a 14-ounce jar, Aquaphor Healing Ointment offers a generous quantity for extended use, ensuring that users have an ample supply on hand.


  • Some users may find the ointment to be greasy upon application, which may require extra care, especially when applying it to areas prone to contact with clothing or bedding.
  • While Aquaphor Healing Ointment is formulated to be hypoallergenic, it may lack fragrance options for those who prefer scented skincare products.
  • While the 14-ounce jar offers a generous quantity, some users may prefer smaller, more portable options for on-the-go use.
  • Due to its formulation, Aquaphor Healing Ointment may leave a slight residue or stickiness on the skin, especially if applied in large amounts.
Amazon Basic Care First Aid Antibiotic Burn Relief

Amazon Basic Care First Aid Antibiotic Burn Relief offers a versatile solution for minor burns, scrapes, and cuts. Combining infection protection with pain relief, this ointment is designed to be an essential component of any first aid kit.

With active ingredients including Bacitracin Zinc, Neomycin Sulfate, Polymyxin B Sulfate, and Pramoxine HCl, it effectively shields against infection while alleviating discomfort associated with minor wounds.


  • Readily available, making it accessible for household use and first aid kits.
  • Provides maximum strength pain relief alongside infection protection, addressing both aspects of minor injuries.
  • Combination of three antibiotics ensures broad-spectrum coverage against potential infections.
  • Effective in soothing minor burn pain and promoting healing.
  • Suitable for both adults and children aged 2 years and older, offering versatility for family use.


  • The ointment lacks a protective seal beyond the cap, potentially raising concerns about long-term storage and contamination.
  • Some users may find the texture of the ointment thick, which could impact ease of application, especially on larger areas.
  • While generally well-tolerated, individuals with known allergies to any of the active ingredients should exercise caution when using this product.
  • The packaging may not be suitable for travel or on-the-go use, as the ointment is dispensed from a tube rather than single-use packets.
Alocane Emergency Burn Gel

Alocane Emergency Burn Gel offers fast and effective relief for minor burns, sunburn, and various skin irritations. With its water-based formula and efficient proprietary transfer vehicle, this burn soothing gel quickly absorbs deep into the layers of the skin, providing immediate relief.


  • With 4% lidocaine, the highest percentage allowed by the US FDA for over-the-counter products, Alocane provides fast pain relief while soothing the skin and aiding in quick itch relief.
  • Physicians and pharmacists recommend Alocane for first-degree burns, sunburns, kitchen burns, electricity burns, and more, making it a versatile solution for various minor burns and skin irritations.
  • The gel is easy to apply generously to the affected area up to four times daily, making it convenient for immediate burn relief. It's suitable for both children and adults.
  • Alocane contains Brazilian aloe vera gel, which has a cooling effect on the skin, complementing the pain-relieving properties of lidocaine. Additionally, it contains vitamin E, known for its skin-soothing and healing benefits.


  • Some users have reported that the gel can become sticky when applied in large quantities, which may be uncomfortable for some individuals.
Polysporin First Aid Topical Antibiotic Skin Ointment

Polysporin First Aid Topical Antibiotic Skin Ointment offers reliable wound care with its neomycin-free formula. This 0.5-ounce tube packs potent infection-fighting ingredients, including bacitracin zinc (500 units/gram) and polymyxin B sulfate (10,000 units/gram), making it an essential addition to any first aid kit.

Thoroughly recommended by dermatologists, Polysporin's antibiotic ointment aids in preventing infections in minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. Its TSA-friendly size makes it convenient for on-the-go use, whether traveling or at home. The product's straightforward application involves applying a small amount to the affected area one to three times daily and covering it with a sterile bandage.


  • The neomycin-free formula ensures effective infection prevention without the risk of allergic reactions.
  • Dermatologist-recommended, indicating its reliability and efficacy in wound care.
  • Convenient TSA-friendly travel size makes it ideal for use on the go or as part of a home first aid kit.
  • Contains powerful antibiotic ingredients, including bacitracin zinc and polymyxin B sulfate, for comprehensive infection protection.
  • Customers praise its performance, noting its quick healing properties and ease of use.


  • Some users might prefer alternative antibiotic ointments that include neomycin.
  • The tube format may not be as preferred by individuals who prefer other application methods, such as sprays or wipes.
  • While highly effective for most users, a small percentage may experience mild side effects or allergic reactions.
  • Depending on the user's needs, they may require multiple applications throughout the day for optimal wound care.

Final Thoughts

Among the top burn treatment ointments we have reviewed, Alocane Emergency Burn Gel stands out as the best burn ointment for those seeking fast and effective relief from minor burns, sunburns, and skin irritations. This quick-absorbing gel contains 4% lidocaine, the highest percentage the US FDA allows for over-the-counter products, ensuring maximum pain relief and soothing of the affected area.

What sets Alocane apart is its unique combination of ingredients, including Brazilian aloe vera gel, which provides a cooling effect, and vitamin E, known for its skin-soothing and healing properties. It additionally has benzalkonium chloride for antiseptic purposes. The product's versatility is evident in its recommendation by physicians and pharmacists for various types of burns, from kitchen accidents to electrical burns.

Don't let minor burns and skin irritations disrupt your daily life or cause unnecessary discomfort. Take action now and experience the fast-acting relief that Alocane Emergency Burn Gel provides. Whether you're dealing with a sunburn, a cooking mishap, or any other minor burn, this gel is your go-to solution for quick and effective healing.

FAQs on Burn Ointments

Can I use burn ointment on open wounds?

Yes, certain burn ointments, such as those containing silver sulfadiazine or antibacterial agents, can be used on open wounds to prevent infection and promote healing. However, it is crucial to follow medical advice to avoid complications.

Can I use burn ointment on children?

Yes, ointments for skin burns for children are safe, but it is important to choose a product specifically labeled for pediatric use and to follow the dosage instructions carefully. Consult a healthcare provider for severe burns.

What should I do if a burn doesn't heal with ointment?

If a burn does not heal with ointment or shows signs of infection (increased redness, swelling, pus), seek medical attention. Persistent or worsening symptoms may indicate the need for more intensive treatment.

Are natural remedies like honey effective for burns?

Honey has been shown to have antibacterial and healing properties, making it effective for minor burns. It helps to keep the wound moist and prevent infection. However, it is important to use medical-grade honey products designed for wound care.
