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10 Tips for Managing Constipation While Using Ozempic

Written by Andrew Le, MD

UpdatedJune 12, 2024

Constipation is a common side effect of Ozempic, affecting up to 5% of users, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This discomfort hinders daily activities and impacts overall well-being and health.

Imagine feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and unable to go about your day smoothly because of constipation. It's a situation that can add unnecessary stress and discomfort to your life, especially when you're working towards improving your health with medications like Ozempic.

In this article, you will learn about the causes of constipation caused by Ozempic, tips for managing constipation while using Ozempic, and precautions to take while using this medication.

🔑 Key Takeaways

  • Ozempic, a medication used for treating type 2 diabetes and weight management, can cause constipation as a side effect.
  • The prevalence of constipation in clinical trials for individuals with type 2 diabetes taking Ozempic is around 5%. Still, this rate increases to as high as 35% in people using it off-label for weight management.
  • The occurrence of constipation is also dose-dependent, with higher doses of the medication likely to cause more intense symptoms.
  • Ozempic slows digestion, which can delay gastric emptying, contributing to constipation.
  • Adequate hydration and following a high-fiber diet are crucial for managing Ozempic-induced constipation.
  • Gradual dosing while on Ozempic is crucial to mitigate the risk of severe constipation associated with higher doses.
  • Constipation caused by Ozempic usually subsides over time, with the median duration of constipation lasting 47 days.

Does Ozempic Cause Constipation?

Yes. Ozempic, a GLP-1 medication used primarily for treating type 2 diabetes and off-label for weight management, does indeed highlight constipation as one of its top side effects. The prevalence of constipation in clinical trials for individuals with type 2 diabetes taking Ozempic is around 5%. Still, this rate increases to as high as 35% in people using it off-label for weight management. The occurrence of constipation is also dose-dependent, with higher doses of the medication likely to cause more intense symptoms.

The causes of constipation while taking Ozempic include:

  • Slowed Digestive Process: Ozempic slows down digestion, which can delay gastric emptying. This delay helps control blood sugar by releasing glucose into the bloodstream more steadily, but it also leads to constipation.
  • Dehydration: The medication can make individuals feel less inclined to drink enough water or hydrating beverages throughout the day, leading to dehydration, a common cause of constipation.
  • Dietary Choices: Nausea, another side effect of Ozempic, might lead to a preference for bland, easy-to-digest foods, which often lack fiber. A diet low in fiber can further exacerbate constipation.

Some of the common symptoms of constipation are:

  • Bowel movements that produce lumpy and hard stools.
  • Experiencing difficulty while going to the bathroom for at least 25% of bowel movements.
  • A feeling of incomplete evacuation in more than 25% of bowel movements.

These symptoms can indicate constipation when they occur in conjunction with starting Ozempic treatment or if there's a significant change in bowel movement frequency or abdominal discomfort. Studies have shown that this side effect usually subsides over time. In fact, the median duration of constipation on Ozempic is 47 days.

10 Tips for Managing Constipation While Using Ozempic

If you are using Ozempic and experience constipation, there are a variety of strategies to manage it effectively. Here are ten tips that you can try:

1. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated while on Ozempic is crucial due to multiple factors contributing to constipation. This delay in gastric emptying, aimed at regulating blood sugar levels, often leads to feeling full, reducing the inclination to drink sufficient water. Insufficient hydration exacerbates constipation, making it challenging to pass stools comfortably.

Adequate water intake softens stools, facilitating bowel movements despite the medication's effects on digestion. Studies suggest that women should consume around 6-9 cups (1.5-2.2 liters) of fluids daily, and men should consume 8-12 cups (2-3 liters) daily. Proper hydration is essential for managing Ozempic-induced constipation and maintaining overall digestive comfort.

2. Follow a High-Fiber Diet

Following a high-fiber diet is crucial for managing constipation while taking Ozempic. Not having enough fiber in your diet is a significant contributor to constipation. It's recommended that adults consume between 22 to 34 grams of fiber daily for optimal digestive health, yet many fall short of this recommendation. According to a study, fiber helps prevent and relieve constipation by promoting regular bowel movements, improving stool consistency, and reducing discomfort.

To increase the frequency of bowel movements, incorporate soluble fiber into your diet, which can be found in foods like:

  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

On the other hand, insoluble fiber speeds up the rate of digestion. Adding high-fiber foods can effectively manage Ozempic-induced constipation and maintain digestive comfort. Here is a sample diet plan for a high-fiber diet:

Day 1

Breakfast: Really Green Smoothie

A.M. Snack: Clementine

Lunch: White Bean & Avocado Toast with a small pear

P.M. Snack: Walnut halves

Dinner: Roasted Chicken & Winter Squash over Mixed Greens

Day 2

Breakfast: Apple Cinnamon Chia Pudding

A.M. Snack: Baked Banana-Nut Oatmeal Cups

Lunch: Brussels Sprouts Salad with Crunchy Chickpeas

P.M. Snack: Small apple

Dinner: Hearty Chickpea & Spinach Stew

Day 3

Breakfast: Apple Cinnamon Chia Pudding

A.M. Snack: Clementine

Lunch: Brussels Sprouts Salad with Crunchy Chickpeas

P.M. Snack: Dry-roasted, unsalted almonds

Dinner: Chicken Fajita Bowls with guacamole

Day 4

Breakfast: Baked Banana-Nut Oatmeal Cups with low-fat plain Greek yogurt

A.M. Snack: Large pear

Lunch: Brussels Sprouts Salad with Crunchy Chickpeas

P.M. Snack: Clementine

Dinner: Long-Life Noodles with Beef & Chinese Broccoli

Day 5

Breakfast: Baked Banana-Nut Oatmeal Cups with low-fat plain Greek yogurt

A.M. Snack: Dry-roasted, unsalted almonds

Lunch: Brussels Sprouts Salad with Crunchy Chickpeas

P.M. Snack: Medium apple

3. Gradual Dosing

Gradual dosing while on Ozempic is crucial due to several factors. Firstly, constipation from Ozempic depends on the dosage, meaning that people taking higher doses of the medication usually have more severe constipation. With three doses available—0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, and 1.0 mg—doctors typically initiate treatment at the lowest dose and adjust it as necessary. This approach helps mitigate the risk of severe constipation associated with higher doses, allowing individuals to acclimate gradually to the medication.

Additionally, research indicates that individuals may experience a resurgence of symptoms each time their dose is increased, further highlighting the importance of a gradual dosing strategy. By starting at a lower dose and titrating upwards under medical supervision, individuals can better manage constipation and other potential side effects while optimizing the therapeutic benefits of Ozempic for type 2 diabetes management or off-label weight management.

4. Consider a Fiber Supplement

Increasing fiber intake is an effective way to manage Ozempic-induced constipation. However, some individuals may still experience constipation despite a high-fiber diet. In such cases, taking a fiber supplement can provide additional support.

Fiber supplements, especially those containing soluble fiber like psyllium, are recommended when lifestyle interventions alone are insufficient. Studies have shown that psyllium has a varying effect on stool frequency, with some showing up to a 67% improvement. Soluble fiber supplements help stool absorb more water, making it easier to pass. This can be useful for individuals experiencing constipation due to Ozempic use.

Moreover, research shows that not all fiber supplements are equally effective, with psyllium-containing products being the most efficacious in treating constipation. As Ozempic slows digestion, ensuring adequate hydration before beginning a fiber supplement is crucial for optimal effectiveness. Therefore, incorporating a fiber supplement with the guidance of a healthcare provider or dietitian can be a valuable adjunctive strategy for managing constipation while on Ozempic therapy.


Fiber is a vital nutrient essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It aids in keeping the digestive tract clean and functioning well, regulates blood sugar levels, and reduces the risk of heart disease. After conducting comprehensive research and testing various natural fiber supplements, we have compiled a list of the best options to help you increase your daily fiber intake effortlessly.

5. Chew Your Food Well

One way to support the effectiveness of Ozempic is to chew your food properly before swallowing. According to a study, chewing triggers the release of digestive enzymes in the mouth and signals the stomach to start producing hydrochloric acid, which helps break down food. By chewing your food properly, you can ensure that the digestive system is working optimally, which can improve the absorption of nutrients and the overall effectiveness of Ozempic.

In addition, taking the time to chew your food properly can also help regulate blood sugar levels. When food is broken down into smaller particles, it is absorbed more slowly, which can prevent spikes in blood sugar levels. This slower absorption can also help you feel fuller for longer, reducing the temptation to snack between meals.

6. Physical Activity

Staying active while taking Ozempic is crucial for handling constipation and maintaining overall well-being. Studies suggest moderate physical activity can boost bowel movement frequency and decrease the likelihood of Ozempic-related constipation. Committing to at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week, eases Ozempic-induced constipation. It offers advantages for managing blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes and aiding weight control.

By integrating consistent physical activity into your schedule, you can improve gastrointestinal function, helping to prevent and alleviate constipation during Ozempic treatment. Therefore, integrating physical activity under the guidance of a healthcare professional is recommended to optimize gastrointestinal function and mitigate the potential side effects of Ozempic.

7. Manage Stress

Functional gastrointestinal diseases can often be linked to stress, leading to a worsening of constipation symptoms. Therefore, it is vital to manage stress levels to alleviate constipation. Engaging in regular exercise, practicing meditation or mindfulness, and seeking the help of a therapist are all effective ways to reduce stress.

According to a study, out of 2699 children analyzed who experienced emotional stress, 416 of them, which is 15.4%, reported suffering from constipation. This highlights the importance of managing both stress and constipation to maintain good physical and mental health.

8. Consider a Laxative

Considering a laxative while on Ozempic may be necessary in some cases to manage constipation effectively. Despite implementing lifestyle changes such as increasing hydration, fiber intake, and physical activity, some individuals may still experience persistent constipation.

A laxative can help soften the stool, increase bowel movement frequency, and alleviate discomfort. Osmotic laxatives, such as Miralax and Milk of Magnesia, work by aiding the colon in absorbing water, thereby facilitating easier passage of stool. This can benefit individuals experiencing severe or prolonged constipation as their body adjusts to Ozempic.

8. Consider Probiotics

Taking probiotics while experiencing constipation while on Ozempic can help alleviate the symptoms. Probiotics are beneficial live microorganisms residing in your gut, supporting your well-being. These friendly bacteria are present in yogurt, kefir, and fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and miso.

Research indicates that probiotic consumption enhances gut health by preserving a balanced gut flora, leading to improved digestion and smoother bowel movements. The study found that probiotic cocktails containing either 3 billion colony-forming units (CFU) or 8 billion CFU per sachet effectively improved symptoms of constipation. Therefore, incorporating probiotics into your diet can improve constipation and help keep your gut healthy.

9. Seek Medical Advice if Needed

If you are suffering from constipation and have tried home remedies and lifestyle changes without any improvement, or if you are experiencing persistent or bothersome side effects of Ozempic, it's advisable to seek medical advice from your healthcare provider for additional assistance.

Your healthcare provider might recommend alternative therapies or modify your current medication dosage to ease your symptoms. Addressing constipation is crucial, as untreated cases can escalate into other health concerns. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult your healthcare provider for proper evaluation and management of your condition.


Constipation can be quite distressing, and it's a condition that affects people of all ages. There are numerous potential reasons behind constipation, such as a lack of dietary fiber, dehydration, or certain medications. However, one of the most effective ways to alleviate constipation is by taking a magnesium supplement. Magnesium is crucial in stimulating bowel movements and regulating the body's water balance. To make things easier, we have compiled a list of the top 13 magnesium supplements that can help relieve constipation.


Managing constipation while using Ozempic is crucial for individuals who want to maintain their health and well-being while undergoing treatment. Although constipation is a common side effect of this medication, several strategies and approaches can help alleviate discomfort and improve digestive comfort. These include staying hydrated, following a high-fiber diet, incorporating physical activity, and considering probiotics. These tips provide a comprehensive toolkit for individuals who are dealing with constipation while being treated with Ozempic.

Emphasizing the importance of seeking medical advice is crucial if symptoms persist or worsen, as healthcare professionals can provide tailored guidance and adjust medication dosages to address constipation and guarantee optimal treatment results effectively. By implementing these recommendations and remaining vigilant in managing symptoms, individuals can enhance their overall treatment experience and maintain their focus on improving their health with the support of Ozempic.

FAQs On Managing Constipation While Using Ozempic

What are the symptoms of bowel obstruction caused by Ozempic?

Some signs that may indicate an intestinal blockage are bloating, abdominal cramps, constipation, nausea, and vomiting. The drug label Ozempic has a warning about it. Still, the FDA has not confirmed a direct connection between semaglutide and ileus. Ileus is an infrequent but severe side effect.

Why do I feel like I need to poop but am unable to do so?

If you are experiencing constipation, you may have the sensation that you constantly need to defecate even though you are unable to do so. In such a case, your bowels may not be empty despite frequent attempts. This happens when hard, impacted stool gets stuck in your gut and irritates it, causing a constant urge to evacuate.

What drink helps constipation?

Good beverage choices to stimulate bowel movement include water, prune juice, warm juices, decaffeinated teas, and hot lemonade. It's important to avoid swallowing too much air while eating, so try not to talk much during meals and avoid drinking through straws. Chewing gum and carbonated drinks should also be avoided.

How do you pass a hard stool?

Engage your belly muscles by pushing them out as you take a breath. Keep your belly firm to stop it from sticking out too much. Don't tighten your belly too much. Use your deep breath to push down on your belly and toward your bottom.