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Top 6 Best Enteric Coated Peppermint Oil Capsules

UpdatedMay 29, 2024

Peppermint oil capsules are a popular supplement used to relieve digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, and indigestion. Enteric coated peppermint oil capsules are a specific type of peppermint oil capsule that is designed to bypass the stomach and release the oil in the small intestine. This helps to reduce the risk of heartburn and reflux associated with taking peppermint oil capsules.

When looking for the best enteric coated peppermint oil capsules, it is essential to consider the potency and purity of the oil. You want to make sure that the capsules contain a high concentration of peppermint oil and are free from additives or fillers. Additionally, it is crucial to choose a reputable brand that uses quality ingredients and follows good manufacturing practices.

After researching and testing various brands, we have identified the top five best enteric coated peppermint oil capsules on the market. These capsules are highly effective in relieving digestive symptoms and are safe and easy to take. In the following sections, we will provide a detailed review of each product, including its features, benefits, and potential drawbacks.

Top 3 Best Enteric Coated Peppermint Oil Capsules

  1. MASON NATURAL Peppermint Oil 50 mg Enteric Coated
  2. NOW Peppermint Gels with Ginger & Fennel Oils
  3. Doctor MK's Natural IBS Relief Supplement

We have researched and tested various enteric coated peppermint oil capsules to bring you the best options available on Amazon. Peppermint oil capsules are a popular natural remedy for digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and indigestion. Enteric coated capsules are designed to bypass the stomach and dissolve in the small intestine, which can help prevent heartburn and other stomach discomfort. In this article, we will share our top picks for the best enteric coated peppermint oil capsules on the market.

MASON NATURAL Peppermint Oil 50 mg Enteric Coated

Editor's Choice

Experience relief with MASON NATURAL Peppermint Oil 50 mg. Its enteric coating targets digestive issues effectively. Enjoy its soy-free formula, but potency might vary for some. Eco-friendly packaging could improve. Still, for natural digestive relief, we highly recommend this choice.

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We highly recommend MASON NATURAL Peppermint Oil 50 mg Enteric Coated for those seeking a natural solution to alleviate digestive discomfort.


  • The enteric coating ensures the softgels pass through the stomach and dissolve in the intestines for effective relief.
  • Peppermint oil may relieve common symptoms of different digestive issues such as abdominal pain, bloating, and gas.
  • It is soy-free and guaranteed to have no added sugar, starch, milk, lactose, soy, yeast, gluten, wheat, fish, artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners.


  • The dosage of 50mg per serving may not be potent enough for some users.
  • The plastic packaging could be reduced to be more eco-friendly.
  • The taste may linger for several hours if taken without food.

In our experience, MASON NATURAL Peppermint Oil 50 mg Enteric Coated has been effective in relieving digestive discomfort. The enteric coating ensures the peppermint oil reaches the intestines for maximum relief. We appreciate that it is soy-free and free from any unnecessary additives. However, the dosage of 50mg per serving may not be potent enough for some users. We also wish the packaging was more eco-friendly. Overall, we highly recommend MASON NATURAL Peppermint Oil 50 mg Enteric Coated for those seeking a natural solution to alleviate digestive discomfort.

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If you're looking for a natural way to support healthy digestion and normal gastrointestinal function, NOW Peppermint Gels with Ginger & Fennel Oils might be just what you need.


  • Enteric-coated to release in the intestines for maximum effectiveness
  • Contains ginger and fennel oils for added digestive support
  • Made by a family-owned company with over 50 years of experience


  • Exposure to heat or sunlight can cause the product to melt or become damaged
  • May not be suitable for those with peppermint allergies
  • Some users may experience mild side effects such as heartburn or nausea

We've been using NOW Peppermint Gels with Ginger & Fennel Oils for a few weeks now and have noticed significant improvements in our digestion. The enteric coating ensures that the capsules release in the intestines, where they can provide the most benefit. Plus, the addition of ginger and fennel oils makes this supplement even more effective.

One thing to keep in mind is that exposure to heat or sunlight can cause the capsules to melt or become damaged. So be sure to store them in a cool, dry place. Also, if you have a peppermint allergy, you should avoid this product.

Overall, we highly recommend NOW Peppermint Gels with Ginger & Fennel Oils for anyone looking for a natural way to support healthy digestion. It's made by a reputable company with a long history of producing high-quality supplements, and the addition of ginger and fennel oils makes it even more effective.

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If you're looking for natural relief from IBS symptoms, Doctor MK's Natural IBS Relief Supplement is a great choice.


  • Physician formulated with natural ingredients
  • Enteric coated peppermint oil helps with IBS symptoms
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all products


  • Peppermint burps can be an issue for some
  • Enteric coating is not perfect
  • May not work for everyone

We've been using Doctor MK's Natural IBS Relief Supplement for a few weeks now and have noticed a significant reduction in IBS symptoms. The enteric coated peppermint oil capsules are easy to swallow and don't have a terrible odor like other IBS supplements we've tried.

The fact that this supplement is physician formulated with natural ingredients gives us peace of mind that we're not putting harmful chemicals into our bodies. We also appreciate that the product is made in a GMP certified plant where purity and safety/contamination testing is done on every batch.

While the enteric coating helps to reduce peppermint burps, it's not perfect. We've found that keeping the supplement in the refrigerator can help to minimize this problem.

Overall, we highly recommend Doctor MK's Natural IBS Relief Supplement to anyone looking for natural relief from IBS symptoms. With a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, you really have nothing to lose.

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If you're looking for a natural way to support and soothe your GI tract, Solaray Peppermint Oil Enteric Coated w/Rosemary & Thyme Oil may be worth considering.


  • The combination of peppermint, rosemary, and thyme oils may provide effective digestive support.
  • The addition of quercetin and chamomile may offer extra benefits.
  • The enteric coating ensures the softgels dissolve in the large intestine for maximum benefit.


  • The softgels are quite large and may be difficult to swallow for some individuals.
  • The product may not work for everyone and may take some time to see results.
  • Some users have reported negative side effects such as heartburn and upset stomach.

In our experience, Solaray Peppermint Oil Enteric Coated w/Rosemary & Thyme Oil has been helpful in providing relief for digestive issues. The combination of peppermint, rosemary, and thyme oils along with quercetin and chamomile make for a powerful blend that may help support and soothe the GI tract. The enteric coating ensures the softgels dissolve in the large intestine for maximum benefit.

However, the softgels are quite large and may be difficult to swallow for some individuals. Additionally, the product may not work for everyone and may take some time to see results. Some users have reported negative side effects such as heartburn and upset stomach.

Overall, if you're looking for a natural way to support digestive health, Solaray Peppermint Oil Enteric Coated w/Rosemary & Thyme Oil may be worth trying. As with any supplement, it's important to speak with your healthcare provider before starting a new regimen.

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If you're looking for an effective and clinically tested solution for IBS, REGIMINT Peppermint Oil Plus Caraway Enteric-Coated Caps. for IBS can be a great option for you.


  • Clinically tested and doctor recommended for IBS.
  • Enteric coating ensures the release of active ingredients at the right time.
  • Free of soy or soybean oil and gluten.


  • Contains bovine capsule.
  • Not suitable for vegetarians.
  • Some users may experience peppermint burps.

We have used REGIMINT Peppermint Oil Plus Caraway Enteric-Coated Caps. for IBS and found it to be effective in reducing gas and diarrhea associated with IBS. The unique enteric coating called EnteriGel ensures the release of active ingredients at the right time to provide maximum benefit. The fixed combination of peppermint oil and caraway oil is recognized by the German Commission E, the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research, and Life Extension Foundation as a novel therapy to manage IBS symptoms.

One of the best things about REGIMINT Peppermint Oil Plus Caraway Enteric-Coated Caps. for IBS is that it is clinically tested and doctor recommended for IBS. It is also free of soy or soybean oil and gluten, making it suitable for those with dietary restrictions.

However, it is worth noting that REGIMINT Peppermint Oil Plus Caraway Enteric-Coated Caps. for IBS contains bovine capsule and is not suitable for vegetarians. Some users may also experience peppermint burps.

Overall, if you're looking for an effective and clinically tested solution for IBS, REGIMINT Peppermint Oil Plus Caraway Enteric-Coated Caps. for IBS is definitely worth considering.

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We highly recommend the REGIMINT Peppermint Oil Plus Caraway Enteric Caps for those looking for a natural and effective solution to manage and control IBS symptoms.


  • Gluten-free, peppermint oil, and caraway oil make it a natural and safe therapy for IBS.
  • Clinically tested and recognized for IBS and SIBO, making it a reliable option for long-term therapy.
  • The unique enteric coating, InteriGel, ensures that the active ingredients are released at the right time and place for maximum benefit.


  • The softgels are bovine only, which may be a concern for some consumers.
  • While it has been successful for many, it may not work for everyone.
  • Some users may experience mild side effects such as heartburn or nausea.

The combination of peppermint oil, caraway oil, and safflower oil in REGIMINT acts locally to relax the smooth muscle of the intestines and has a calming effect on the digestive system. The enteric coating ensures that the active ingredients are released in the colon, where they are needed most.

REGIMINT has been used as a successful digestion aid for the safe, long-term management of IBS and SIBO for over 20 years. It is recognized by the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research, the German Commission E, and the Life Extension Foundation as a natural novel therapy for IBS.

Overall, we highly recommend the REGIMINT Peppermint Oil Plus Caraway Enteric Caps for those looking for a natural and effective solution to manage and control IBS symptoms.

Buying Guide

When searching for the best enteric coated peppermint oil capsules, there are a few key features you should consider to ensure you are getting a quality product.

Firstly, check the ingredients list to ensure that the peppermint oil is the main active ingredient. Some products may contain fillers or other unnecessary ingredients that could dilute the effectiveness of the peppermint oil.

It is also important to look for enteric coating on the capsules. Enteric coating helps to protect the peppermint oil from stomach acid and ensures that it is released in the small intestine where it can be most effective.

When it comes to dosage, it is important to follow the recommended dosage on the product label or as advised by a healthcare professional. Taking too much peppermint oil can lead to adverse side effects such as heartburn and nausea.

Additionally, consider the reputation of the brand and the reviews of the product. Look for a brand with a good reputation for producing high-quality supplements and read reviews from other customers to get an idea of their experiences with the product.

Finally, consider any additional features or benefits that the product may offer, such as being vegan or gluten-free, or containing additional digestive enzymes.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing the best enteric coated peppermint oil capsules for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules?

Enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules have several benefits, including reducing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), relieving digestive discomfort, and reducing bloating and gas.

What are some popular brands of peppermint oil capsules?

Some popular brands of peppermint oil capsules include Heather's Tummy Tamers, Nature's Way Pepogest, and NOW Foods Peppermint Gels.

How do peppermint oil capsules help with IBS?

Peppermint oil capsules help with IBS by reducing muscle spasms in the digestive tract, which can alleviate symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea.

What is the recommended strength for peppermint oil capsules?

The recommended strength for peppermint oil capsules is typically between 0.2-0.4 mL of peppermint oil per capsule, with a daily maximum of 1.2 mL.

Are there any side effects of taking peppermint oil capsules?

While generally safe, some people may experience side effects such as heartburn, nausea, and allergic reactions. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking peppermint oil capsules.

Can peppermint oil capsules be taken with other medications?

Peppermint oil capsules may interact with certain medications, such as antacids and medications that reduce stomach acid. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking peppermint oil capsules with other medications.

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